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An effective leader successfully achieves his goals. That does, however, not mean that he is also a good leader since Hitler or Stalin were effective leaders, too.…
Is your boss a micromanager? Then maybe youll find comfort in knowing that…
You have finally achieved your coveted promotion to a management position.…
Every leader should be both manager and coach. While the managerial style…
You surly want to be a good boss but you also know that it is not enough…
Effective use of time in a team is a key prerequisite for mutual success.…
Networking does not have to be a trauma or a waste of time for you.…
You have probably told yourself many times that you would need several…
Despite all the latest developments in communication technologies, the…
Do you often fight with guilt? Then you have a great potential to be a good…
Quick-tempered individuals react irritably to unpleasant situations, which…
Do you have in your team less experienced employees who have great…
Middle management is a very difficult place for work. Whereas the…