Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon Brian Tracy's 3 Laws of Leadership

A good leader brings his vision of a better future, inspires to the highest possible performance and motivates others to achieve their goals. If you want to be an…

icon Professional rules of video calling

You sit in front of your computer screen waiting to start a videoconference…

icon Test: Can you listen to others?

You sit in a meeting and want to show everyone that you are the smartest…

icon 10 steps towards a more constructive performance evaluation

Evaluating employee performance is not one of the most popular managerial…

icon Can you criticize?

You cannot avoid providing feedback to others in your management practice.…

icon 6 steps to gain feedback from your surroundings

The higher position you hold in a company, the less likely you will receive…

icon Leadership skills for project managers

A good project manager must also be a good leader. Above all, he needs the…

icon Everything you should know about providing feedback

Feedback is a cheap, quick and easy tool to enhance employee productivity…

icon How to treat others professionally

You do not have to like every person you meet at work. All the more it is…

icon 4 skills of a virtual manager. Do you have them?

Managers who work outside their companies or manage their teams remotely…

icon Do not undermine your authority

If you are to be taken seriously by others, you need to know how to gain…

icon Are you too forever checking your e-mail?

Have you ever counted how much time you spend each day dealing with e-…

icon Do not worry about public speaking

Many people are scared by the idea of being a lonely speaker in front of an…

Listing 3134 to 3146 out of 3323