Do you think that your corporate Christmas party was a bit boring this year? You may change your opinion when you read about the employees of the South Korean…
Catherine Sinclair, HR director of Plzeňský Prazdroj, was one of the…
"In my opinion, 95 percent of all the work that is done on recruiting…
Even if the economic situation of companies improves, L&D departments…
Employer brand reflects a company's reputation in the labor market. It…
The Czech Statistical Office has released a publication entitled Total…
A shift to data-based employee selection decisions will be the strongest…
The skills taught by an educational system may not match the skills…
In the first part of the article, we showed you how the role of HR…
The demographic situation in the Czech Republic is getting worse. The only…
The Harvard Business Review published three articles this summer which…
The number of people who are open to changing their jobs has been growing…
Managers love to talk about how people are their most important asset, but…