Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon Learn to disagree with your superiors

Being afraid to disagree with someone superior to us is natural. The human body is simply programmed to avoid situations that may hurt us. This does not mean,…

icon Don’t ruin your chances for getting referrals

You surely want to be seen as a credible supplier. Being recommended by…

icon Gantt charts and project management: Planning for time

Using a timeline you will be able to deliver a project in a reasonable time…

icon Do something for others at least once every week

Be there for others when they need you. You have the ability to create a…

icon The most hackneyed phrases used by managers

The office environment is full of verbal and leadership clichés. The…

icon Don't be a slave to your smart phone

Just take a look around when walking down the street or travelling by…

icon Why you should treat your competitors as mentors

Truly gifted negotiators are those whose initial position is exaggerated…

icon Trust pays: Can you be trusted?

One senior leader doesnt trust another. That is the unfortunate reality in…

icon Put an end to procrastination once and for all

Do you have problems with continuously postponing the fulfilment of tasks…

icon International negotiations, or when "yes" means "no"

The December 2015 issue of the Harvard Business Review published an…

icon Even FBI agents must be emotionally intelligent

Almost no FBI agent would say the phrase emotional intelligence aloud. Two…

icon Not sorry for that: What you should never apologize for

There are certain things, that it is unnecessary to apologize for. Or more…

icon Is it futile and naive to develop a strategy?

Some people claim that nowadays strategy is no longer needed. At the same…

Listing 1769 to 1781 out of 3329