Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon Rejection doesn't have to be rude or awkward

One of the basic rules of assertiveness says that if we disagree with something or do not want something, we have the right to say "no" without feeling any guilt.…

icon Trying to avoid mistakes? That's a mistake

The way we think about the challenges we face deeply influences our final…

icon Do you know your customers' wishes? The questions to ask

Almost 90,000 students from China are studying at UK universities. Some of…

icon Myths blocking your success debunked

Try to find the area you are best suited for. Dont rely excessively on…

icon Trust is not merely about delivering on your promises

Trustworthiness is about doing what you say you are going to do but it is…

icon First optimize your employees, then processes

Many companies assume the optimization of their processes will go hand in…

icon What is the most important quality of a leader? Being yourself

Leadership development seems not to be working properly. The reality is…

icon Everyone is the agent of their own misfortune

Being surrounded by unhappy people is as harmful as passive smoking. People…

icon Innovation is a matter of collective genius

If we want to build constantly innovating organisations, we need to rid…

icon Promoting healthy diets: Solutions don’t need to be costly

In 2015, Daiwa Securities launched a healthy eating initiative for its 13,…

Konference Konkurenční výhoda v klubu SaSaZu

icon Poor listening leads to lower profits: Don’t lose anymore money

Everyone wants to be heard first, which makes it pretty hard for listening…

icon Jack Welch: Every presentation can be fun

The ability to speak in front of people is now more important than ever…

icon Don’t sabotage yourself during your next negotiation

Negotiation is a critical leadership skill and the most effective…

Listing 1782 to 1794 out of 3329