Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon Do not waste too much time organizing your time

We all strive to continually improve, become more productive and better organize our time. These efforts may,  however, be counter-productive. The more time we try…

icon Do not underestimate your subordinates' stress

A manager's work is stressful. However, in addition to their own stress,…

icon Small steps to greater productivity

Are you thinking about all the things you don't have enough time to do?…

icon How to win media attention for your business

You have founded a company, created an interesting product or started an…

icon The Analytical Magician, the Intellectual and other people who should not be missing from your team

A diverse team is a must, if you want to achieve innovative and creative…

icon 5 tricks to improve your self-confidence

Although some people are overconfident, most of us take building our self-…

icon Learn how to manage underperforming employees

A team is only as strong as its weakest link. Probably no team has only…

icon Bad leaders lack people skills and ethics

Different leadership failure occur almost every day. Neither leaders nor…

icon 7 steps to get a promotion

Someone else has been promoted again. When will your superiors finally…

icon Do you want to win arguments? Learn to be silent

Are you passionate about your work? That is really great but, on the other…

Richard Páleník

icon What start-up companies can learn from corporations if they want to grow out of children?s shoes

In one of my previous articles, I advised how corporations should learn…

icon Face your fear of delegation

Although they are often reluctant to admit it, even experienced managers…

icon Research: Creative types prefer chaos

Do you prefer order on your desk or instead carelessly amass folders and…

Listing 2679 to 2691 out of 3323