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Entrepreneurship is demanding, frustrating and a never-ending challenge. Especially at the beginning. Many problems cause visions to fail in the earliest stages. It…
You may not think of yourself as prejudiced or that your behavior is…
The Open Forum website has recently published an interesting article.…
Your employees' performance problems may have different causes. However,…
If you are a responsible leader, it is quite natural that you take your job…
Micromanagement is a trap which repeatedly catches leaders. The solution…
Evaluating the work of employees is a serious challenge for many managers.…
"Eureka!" cried Isaac Newton over his discovery of the law of gravity.…
Is your career moving in the right direction? Will you be promoted some…
Regardless of whether you are leading a meeting with a business partner,…
Sharing, passive, aggressive... Yes, those are the types of internal…
Promises, promises. Have you ever heard your employees say this as an…
Managers who have unrealistic expectations are, of course, stressing their…