Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon How to manage working with younger colleagues

You have been working in the company for many years and gained specific knowledge, experience and habits. Suddenly, a new young member enters your team and your…

icon What are the risky management styles?

Who do you think is a great leader? Some celebrity? Your colleague or you…

icon Welcome different opinions in your team

A manager who refuses conflicts can do a lot of harm to his team.…

icon Myths of global leadership

If you have ever had the opportunity to work or lead a meeting in a…

icon 7 thought-provoking business tips

From its posts in the past week, the Open Forum website chose the best…

icon Mastering a difficult conversation with good employees

Who are your best employees? Are they friendly and able to join the team as…

icon How to handle stressful situations effectively

Insomnia, irritability, palpitations, panic attacks, stomach cramps,…

icon What is the purpose of your feedback?

Your direct subordinate did not deliver information on time to the client,…

icon 3 p.m.? Take a nap

You'll probably think we've gone crazy if it's a weekday and you're right…

icon Proven techniques to increase your memory capacity

The more responsibility for projects and teams you have the more names,…

icon Forget the work-life balance. Better to integrate it

Is it unthinkable that you can build a promising career while living a…

icon How to excel in conversation with difficult people

They get angry easily, it is hard to ask them for something, they complain,…

icon The paradox of a creative individual

No, this is not a physics or astronomical phenomenon. We are still moving…

Listing 2718 to 2730 out of 3323