Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon 4 tools for successful Design Thinking

Design Thinking is one of the new management trends based on a new approach to problem solving, new product development or process improvement. Innovative thinking…

icon Study: Eye contact may backfire on you

Each training in presentation skills teaches about the importance of eye…

icon How to lead Generation Y?

Generation of lazy narcissists, iGeneration, Millennials or simply those…

icon When an employee faces personal problems

A useful article published by Salesopedia server deals with the difficult…

icon Study: Do you want to feel happier? Give your bonus to your colleagues

Christmas is approaching fast, shops are slowly preparing festive…

icon Are you the manager even in your leisure time?

Managerial work is hard work requiring full concentration, it is often…

icon Career: How do you recognize you have reached a dead end?

Maybe you are among those lucky ones who really enjoy their profession and…

icon Three common tips for cooperative leadership

While negotiating the needs of many different managers and still delivering…

icon Don't worry to provide feedback

Providing feedback does not belong among the most popular managerial tasks.…

icon How to get out of your comfort zone

We have built a society on the concept of creating a comfortable life.…

icon Brian Tracy: How to be more popular

Do you want to be more popular at work and in your private life? Then focus…

icon What do Jeff Bezos and his managers read?

Jeff Bezos belongs to the group of world-famous, successful entrepreneurs…

icon Are you a workaholic? So what?

People generally have negative perceptions about someone they think is a…

Listing 2705 to 2717 out of 3323