Manager – management news

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icon Negotiation tips from a pro (2/3): If you are at the table, you always have some leverage

In the experience of negotiating strategist Corey Kupfer, an attorney and the author of a book entitled Authentic Negotiating: Clarity, Detachment, &…

icon Negotiation tips from a pro (1/3): You need clarity and detachment

Negotiating strategist Corey Kupfer, an attorney and the author of a book…

icon Changing how your company operates: 4 approaches

There are four types of strategic intervention. Leaders should be able to…

icon What can managers expect from coaches?

Athletes and artists have coaches, without whom they would never achieve…

icon AI: already delivering real value to energy sector companies

Even today, artificial intelligence is being used to obtain real-…

icon Can cross-functional team be high-performing? (2/2): Making it work

In the previous article we examined common pain points. To make teams work…

icon Presenting like a pro: don’t send out mixed messages

During a presentation there is one very dangerous thing you might do and…

icon Can cross-functional team be high-performing? (1/2): Main pain points

Even when your team consists of smart, creative and driven people, you have…

icon Handling an emergency videoconference presentation

Generally speaking, we dont see emergencies coming. And an emergency…

icon 2 unforced ways to staff development

Teach supervisors in your company to schedule regular meetings with each of…

icon Policies designed to protect profitability can be very costly

The recent violent removal of a customer from a United Airlines …

icon Innovating your key product (2/2): 4 steps how to do it

In the previous article we saw that innovation is not only about leaving…

icon Innovating your key product (1/2): How to sell expensive can of paint

When thinking about innovation, many people imagine companies such as Uber,…

Listing 391 to 403 out of 987